Saturday, January 30, 2010

Google Voice Application will allow you to make free isd calls between two Iphone users for free

Google Voice Application will allow you to make free isd calls between two Iphone users for free

Google one of the ruler in search engine is now coming to this Voip sector and soon seems it will leave no fields to try upon. this time its a new launchof new Google Voip application which will be currently available only for Iphone users that means this application can be downloaded for iphone with Firmware version 3.0 and higher and it seems this is going to dominate the Voip market soon as soon as it will be available to other mobile platforms like Symbain and no wounder it will be available in the Andriod versions with Edge or WI-Fi enabled mobile phones .

in this Google Voice application you can make free voip calls means with the help of Internet can have a voice chat with another Iphone with same applications like we make through Different soft wares like Gtalk,Yahoo etc and also the best part is you can have a international Voip account from Google and make Cheap ISD calls all over the world and dont worry like anyother voip provider it will provide free calls to countries like USA,Canada etc....
and also the best part is taht you will have a individual voip number from Google it means you can not only call to other destinations you can even get calls from those destinations with that number..

Here is the link that might help you about this

Visit this link to get a Google Voice Invite.

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